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Find out more about how we plan and execute each move, lift, recycle or sale of buildings. Below we have covered some common questions we receive from customers related to our process, costs, permit, liability and more. If you don’t find your question below or need further clarity, please feel free to give us a call.
WHAT DO WE NEED TO KNOW BEFORE WE GET STARTED?Your first step is to assess what your needs are. Do you need a building raised, moved or are you wanting to buy a building? Next is to find out from your local municipality what their regulations are regarding the work you need done. You can then contact us and we can give you some preliminary information and pricing. With all this information, you can then assess whether this is a project you want to continue with. At this point we will do some site visits and discuss with you exactly what your needs are and quote a firm price.
DO WE NEED A MOVING OR BUILDING PERMIT?The moving permit is obtained by us, but you will require a building permit, a development permit or both. Again, contact your local municipalities building dept. for their regulations.
HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT CAN BE MOVED AND WHAT CAN’T?There are few physical limitations to what can be moved, only financial. Almost any building can be moved, but not all are feasible to move. Unfortunately, we are not able to move Single Wide Trailers, anything below 20' wide, as we do not have the trailer dollies to move them. But the best answer is to contact us and we will give you our professional opinion.
ARE THERE ANY ADDITIONAL COSTS THAT COULD BE INCURRED?Yes. The most common is line raising expenses. If the building is over approximately 17’8” loaded; power, telephone and cable companies may need to become involved. Each move is assessed and you would be told if there would be any costs over and above the move price.
WHAT KIND OF PREP WORK IS REQUIRED TO DO PRIOR TO IT BEING MOVED?Generally speaking, you must have all services disconnected, clean and strip out the basement/crawlspace of the house, including the chimney. The new excavation must be completed and in most cases the foundation ready. There could be some other requirements, but after assessing your job we would provide you with a written quotation and a list of all your responsibilities.
DOES THE DISTANCE OF THE MOVE AFFECT THE COST?Not always. The majority of the work is in the loading and unloading of the building.
HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO MOVE A BUILDING?An average building of 1200 square feet, will usually take 2 - 3 days from start to finish.
WHAT DAMAGE CAN BE EXPECTED WHEN A BUILDING IS LIFTED OR MOVED?There will be minor cracks in the drywall. If there is lathe and plaster in the building, it will probably crack more than drywall.
WOULD MY BUILDING MOVE BE INSURED AGAINST EXCESS DAMAGE OR LIABILITY CLAIMS?Yes. We carry liability insurance as well as cargo and of course vehicle insurance. We can have a certificate of insurance showing our coverages and limits, forwarded at your request.
HOW DO YOU ACTUALLY MOVE A BUILDING?Well, let us show you here.
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